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Tales of a Traveler

Will your next trip be close to home or across the globe? How will you document your journey? Who will you go with, and where will you stay? My mission is to help you make all of these decisions and many, many more. Let’s start planning!

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Florida 2-15-2024

Today we visited the Venetian Gardens on Lake Harris in Leesburg. Beautiful park with paved trails and canals all thru. We ran into a...

Florida 2-14-2024

Happy Valentine's Day! We took the day off, just errands and groceries etc. Treated ourselves to a nice lunch! Sunny and 75 here.

Florida 2-13-2024

Today we visited the Three Sisters Springs just beyond Inverness. Loads of manatees. I counted 40+. They are pretty cool! We had the...

Florida 2-12-2024

Today we visited the Drag Racing Museum of "Big Daddy" Don Garlits. He was a famous dragster builder and driver and actually designed the...

Florida 2-11-2024

Started the morning with a coffee/donuts social at the club house. Then to Ocala-horse country! Love love love it! Quick lunch at Golden...

Florida 2-10-2024

Visited Homosassa Springs State Park today. Very cool! Saw lots of wildlife and enjoyed walking. Crystal clear waters which are a...

Florida 2-9-2024

Moved into Florida today. We were going to overnite in Jacksonville but it didn't work out so we pushed on to our resort near Lake...

Georgia 2-8-2024

Took a trolley tour of Savannah today. Parks and squares throughout and lovely old trees so the city is cool and inviting. Pictured is...

Georgia 2-7-2024

Took the day off! Couple errands and lots of rest. Lol

Georgia 2-6-2024

Visited the Savannah History Museum first today. Rice was 1st major crop in 1750's using slaves who had grown rice in West Africa. The...

Georgia 2-5-2024

Today we visited 2 more forts-Firt James Jackson and Fort Pulaski. Jackson was built in 1808 and held 8 canons. Pictured is a 12 lb...

Georgia 2-4-2024

Threat of rain today so we stayed local. Checked out the museum here and walked around the fort. The area originally inhabited by Guale...

Georgia 2-3-2024

Drove today to Fort McCallister state park just below Savannah. Interesting drive-lots of newly cut fields, lots of fields of young pine...

Georgia 2-2-2024

Last day at North Shore Landing. It has been a good stay, lots to learn and see. Spent the day getting ready to move. Sunny in the 60's....

Georgia 2-1-2024

Today we traveled to Washington to tour the Robert Toombs house. He was born in 1810. Became a lawyer, statesman and Mayor. House was...

Georgia 1-31-2024

Traveled to Madison today to see more antebellum homes. First is Boner Hall built in 1829.. second is Oak House built in 1832 and...

Georgia 1-30-2024

Took the day off! Steve cleaned both vehicles and reorganized bins, I cleaned inside and reorganized cabinets. Mickey slept! Lol. Useless!

Georgia 1-29-2024

Visited Milledgeville Asylum today. Could not go inside and there is no museum so the history is all Google. Once the world's largest...

Georgia 1-28-2024

Clear day so we ventured out. Visited the Greene County History Museum and the Old Gaol "Jail". Pretty interesting stuff. Creek native...

Georgia 1-27-2024

Today we traveled to Crawfordville to visit the Alexander Hamilton Stephens Museum and Home. Lunch first at a local cafe-note the films...

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