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Tales of a Traveler

Will your next trip be close to home or across the globe? How will you document your journey? Who will you go with, and where will you stay? My mission is to help you make all of these decisions and many, many more. Let’s start planning!

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Georgia 1-26-2024

Visited the Callaway Plantation today. So interesting and the curator was so knowledgeable. Great conversations! House started 1860...

Georgia 1-25-2024

Today we toured the Georgias Old Governors Mansion in Milledgeville. Very interesting when you are able to get inside these old...

Georgia 1-24-2024

Happy Birthday Patrick! Today we traveled to Athens-very cool little town, full of old homes. Visited the Waddel Brumby House which is...

Georgia 1-23-2024

Happy Birthday Mercedes! Took the day off! Cleaning, laundry-fun stuff. Rained off and on but much warmer.

Georgia 1-22-2024

Steve feeling pretty good so we ventured out today to visit Stone Mountain. Interesting cloud formations- I seriously thought we were...

Georgia 1-21-2024

Took the day off! Steve's left arm has been bothering him. Seems like maybe a pinched nerve. Thought a day of rest might help. Still...

Georgia 1-20-2024

Visited the Macon Ocmulgee Mounds today. Excavated in 1934 as part of FDR's work/recovery programs during the Great Depression. There is...

Georgia 1-19-2024

Today we visited Covington. Quaint little town full of history. The Dukes of Hazzard and In the Heat of The Night (TV series) were both...

Georgia 1-18-2024

Traveled into Atlanta today to visit the History Museum. 6 lanes of traffic and they were all full. Steve did good though he was not...

Georgia 1-17-2024

Another beautiful day but oh so cold! Ventured out for some warm socks! Lol. Had lunch at this super cute local farm stand then hunkered...

Georgia 1-16-2024

Bitterly cold windy day. We ventured out to 2 museums. First was the civil war/railroad museum which focused on the importance of the...

Georgia 1-15-2024

Happy Birthday Steve! Got a rather late start today as my 2 men lounged in bed til 8:30. It's all good. We just stayed local. Visited...

Georgia 1-14-2024

Couple more pics of the lake. Really pretty setting here. Steve got the repairs all done and we even added a storage box. Great job!...

Georgia 1-13-2024

Happy Birthday Miles!! Made it to North Shore Landing in Greensboro this morning. Stopped at Home Depot on the way and picked up stuff...

Georgia 1-12-2024

Made it to the Augusta Elks for just overnite but had a hellacious day. I left the jeep keys in the McDonalds where we stopped for...

S.C. 1-11-2024

Beautiful sunny day! Doing chores and getting packed up. We move tomorrow. Lots of fighter jet activity this am. Concerning. Last day on...

S.C. 1-10-2024

Up on the beach by 8 but did not find any interesting shells. I really thought yesterday's storm would have churned things up but I guess...

S.C. 1-9-2024

Interesting day here today. We've been under a storm threat all day and actually got a tornado warning and were told to seek shelter. The...

S.C. 1-8-2024

Today we traveled to Georgetown to check out plantation mansions. What a pretty town. Tree lined streets, waterfront shopping and dining....

S.C. 1-7-2024

Beautiful sunny day! 48 degrees at 9:15. Drive to Wilmington to tour the Battleship N.C. Super interesting tour. 2 hrs and lots of...

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