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  • swest1363

Georgia 2-6-2024

Visited the Savannah History Museum first today. Rice was 1st major crop in 1750's using slaves who had grown rice in West Africa. The gourd banjo came with them. Then cotton became king. Note the advertisement of a slave ship. In the late 1800's Savannah became the birthplace of jazz-strongly influenced by the gullah-geechee and West African roots. By 1930 Savannah was the southern Harlem. In 1912 Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Guides-became Girl Scouts in 1913.

Next up- the Wormsloe ruins. Built in 1737 (destroyed in the war) it was the colonial estate of Noble Jones. Mile long oak tree lined drive. Last was a drive thru Bonaventure Cemetery.

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