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  • swest1363

S.C. 1-8-2024

Today we traveled to Georgetown to check out plantation mansions. What a pretty town. Tree lined streets, waterfront shopping and dining. Full of charm. Georgetown is the oldest city in South Carolina. First house we visited was the Kamanski House. Built in 1769 by Paul Trapier who was a merchant. The house went thru several renovations and the last owners were Harold and Julia Kamanski. Julia passed in 1973 and bequeathed the house to the town in memory of her husband. Pretty cool tour. Next we visited the Gullah Museum. Gullah is the language/culture of African Americans descended from slaves who worked the rice plantations in the low country (barrier islands). The slaves had been kidnapped from Western and central Africa, brought to America and forced to work. They originated from many different countries and had to figure out a way to communicate. So the Gullah language was created. Some words we use come from this language. Goober is peanut. Gumbo is okra. Bubba is brother. Tote is to carry. Kumbayah is come by here. Amazing. Learned so much. Then we drove thru Georgetown to see some of the other mansions. Lunch at a local cafe then walking on the beach. Found a starfish and an urchin. Very cool.

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