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  • swest1363

Georgia 1-20-2024

Visited the Macon Ocmulgee Mounds today. Excavated in 1934 as part of FDR's work/recovery programs during the Great Depression. There is 18 archeological sites in Macon. In 1843 railroad tracks destroyed most of the lesser mounds and in 1874 tracks destroyed most of the Funeral Mound. The Great Temple was the center of the village and was a Mississippian council house-much like our Senate chambers. 47 seats in descending elevation as you neared the door. Learned how the patterns were made on their pottery. Carved wooden paddles were stamped onto the unfired surface of the pottery. Today the Muscogee (Creek) nation is the third largest federally recognized tribe in the US. Lunch at the Hello Boba Cafe-definately a departure from our norm. More to see in Macon but the town was kinda creepy. Steve and I not comfortable staying. Really cold all day and freezing tonight.

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