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Tales of a Traveler

Will your next trip be close to home or across the globe? How will you document your journey? Who will you go with, and where will you stay? My mission is to help you make all of these decisions and many, many more. Let’s start planning!

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Tennessee 11-02-2023

Drove today to Morristown Tennessee just overnite then on into West Virginia.

Tennessee 10-30,31,11-1-2023

Sorry folks- could not get all the pics to post on this blog. Great visit with family. Love time on the farm. We will be back!

Tennessee 10-27,28,29-2023

Made homemade applesauce today! What fun and a joint effort. Spent the afternoon with horses and a clinic my sister held. Josie does a...

Tennessee 10-25, 10-26-2023

So good to be spending time with family. Steve is helping with handyman stuff around the farm. Went creek walking with Jenny. Working on...

Tennessee 10-23,10-24-2023

Arrived at The Farm late afternoon on the 23rd. Long day of travel. Quick hellos to everyone, dinner and early bed. Monday we spent the...

Tennessee 10-22-2023

Travelled today to Bristol Tennessee on our way to Summer town. All highway but the views were beautiful. Foliage is changing.

N.C. 10-16 to 10-21-2023

Pretty quiet overall at Sycamore. Errands, lunch at So Pies and Blake's, crafts and coffee at the lodge and Phillies games. So happy they...

N.C. 10-15-2023

Said good bye to our friends then ran some errands. Lunch at So Pies-hawaiian pizza, so good! Naps, dawg time, dinner, TV. Quiet time.

N.C. 10-14-2023

Pouring rain up until noon they just overcast. Trick or treating at camp with friends. Good times!

N.C. 10-12,13-2023

Lunch with friends on Thursday at Blake's. So good and so cheap! Watched the Phillies win! Yeah! On we go now. Too much fun to watch!...

N.C. 10-9,10,11-2023

Spending most of our time around camp enjoying friends and cards. I did find a backgammon partner, not many people play so I am very...

N.C. 10-8-2023

Started the day with church here at the lodge with our neighbor Carlas. Felt good. Easy day around camp. Ended the day with canasta at...

N.C. 10-7-2023

Great day today! Beautiful weather, crafts at the lodge then a live band. Hanging with old friends and new.

N.C. 10-5, 10-6-2023

Happy Birthday Kim and Lisa! Spent the last 2 days working on insurance stuff-yuck! and catching up with old friends and new friends....

N.C. 10-4-2023

Quiet day today. Ran some errands. Still hot hot hot so staying in the a/c.

N.C. 10-3-2023

Lazy day today. Really hot! Did some more setting up. Went to Blake's for lunch. Love this little diner. Saw a cotton field and many...

N.C. 10-2-2023

Finished our trip to Sycamore Lodge in Jackson Springs. Love this resort! Friends are coming in Thursday so that is exciting. Quiet...

Virginia 10-1-2023

Traveled today to Waynesboro VA. So happy to see realistic gas prices! We paid $3.33 today. Surely helps. Really nice campground but just...

PA. 9-30-2023

Happy Birthday Ryan! Last day in PA. Got some errands to run and laundry. BLT's for lunch with Mary Jane. Packing up to move.

Pa. 9-21-2023

Long drive from Johnstown to WC but we finally arrived! Staying at Grove Road for the next week. After we got organized we went for food....

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