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  • swest1363

Georgia 1-26-2024

Visited the Callaway Plantation today. So interesting and the curator was so knowledgeable. Great conversations! House started 1860 completed 1869. 4000 acres 155 slaves. Started with tobacco then cotton. All material came from the land. 16 closets. 4 generations lived here. From 1910-1913 it was rented by the overseer and sharecroppers and others rented rooms. Curator has met people who were either born here or grew up here. How cool! Pictured- a cotton gin, windows with panels on first floor opened as doors for ventilation, casement in nursery opened onto roof so mattresses could be put outside to air, antebellum dresses (hoops) allowed air to circulate from below, the original trundle bed, a bathtub. Lol. Super cool stuff.

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