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  • swest1363

Georgia 1-24-2024

Happy Birthday Patrick!

Today we traveled to Athens-very cool little town, full of old homes. Visited the Waddel Brumby House which is now the visitor center. Built 1819, oldest home in Athens. Foyer floor was free hand painted. The kitchen and slave quarters were outside. Next was the TRR Cobb house-awesome color and that was the original color in the 1850's. Floor boards came from a NC cotton mill. Tom Cobb was a lawyer and held the first classes of the UGA school of law in his library. He wrote the 1860 Georgia Constitution and the Confederate Constitution. Tom also established a girls school in Athens

in honor of his daughter Lucy who died of scarlet fever. He was a confederate general and was killed at Fredericksburg in 1862. Also pictured Taylor Grady House and Ware Lyndon House.

Foggy misty day but much warmer.

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