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Tales of a Traveler

Will your next trip be close to home or across the globe? How will you document your journey? Who will you go with, and where will you stay? My mission is to help you make all of these decisions and many, many more. Let’s start planning!

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Tennessee 4-22-2023

We moved today from Front Royal Virginia to Bristol Tennessee. Really pretty drive. Storm clouds were brewing and we did hit some rain...

Virginia 4-21-2023

Stayed local today. Did a driving tour of Front Royal and visited some local sights. Always so interesting. Stonewall Jackson was very...

Virginia 4-20-2023

Started early am at Walmart for an oil change in the jeep. Breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Then grabbed Mickey and drove another 1/3 of the...

Virginia 4-19-2023

Today we drove on the Skyline Drive for about 1/3 of the whole trail. Such breathtaking views! Really pretty drive. The dawg attracted...

Virginia 4-18-2023

Visited Harper's Ferry today. We seem to be in a Civil War adventure! Super cute little town built on a hillside. Lots of history. George...

Virginia 4-17-2023

Was up to see the sun rise. Visited Luray Caverns today. OMG! Absolutely amazing! And the scenic drive- Virginia is a beautiful state....

Virginia 4-16-2023

Traveled today to North Fork Resort in Front Royal Virginia. Good trip, beautiful scenery! Lunch at a Diner. Lol. Mickey is literally...

Pa. 4-15-2023

Left Gettysburg this am for North Shore Elks. Ritual competition for the state of Pennsylvania. Soooo good to catch up with some of our...

Pa. 4-14-2023

Pretty quiet day. High 80's and sunny. Did some cleaning and packing up to move. Short errands. Lots of cards! Lol

Pa. 4-13-2923

Last day on the battlefields. We visited the Calvary fields where Custer fought. Pretty interesting. Mickey loves learning. Pretty hot...

Pa. 4-12-2023

More sploring. Mickey really seems to enjoy! Went to where the first shots were fired. Major General Reynolds statue. He is the only...

Pa. 4-11-2023

Lazy day around camp. Did go into Hanover for groceries. Lunch at Ruby Tuesday. Steaks over the fire for dinner. Working on ancestry stuff.

Pa. 4-10-2023

Did some more sploring today with Mickey. Such fun. Checked out some places we had not been before. Ran into a bus loadof middle...

Pa 4-9-2023

Happy Easter! Love to all! Took Mickey sploring again. He's such a a good boy. You get such a different perspective on the battlefields....


Took our dawg to do some ploring on the battlefields today. Really enjoyed and Mickey learned a lot. Lol. Little chilly though. Lots...

Pa. 4-7-2023

Overcast today and in the 50's. Went to check out stables for the horseback tour. Bought an audio tour package we can do at our leisure....

Beavers in Pa! 4-6-2023

OMG! Went back to the beaver lodge which we saw last summer. Below Little Round Top near Devils Den. At dusk, sat quietly with the jeep...

Pa. 4-5-2023

Took the day off! Beautiful and sunny again. Close to 80. We actually turned on the a/c. Groceries, laundry, naps, couch time. Mickey...

Pa. 4-4-2023

Started the morning checking out the visitor center for the battlefields then into Chambersburg to Muster Ed's Elephant Museum and Candy...

Pa. 4-3-2023

Had to go to Hanover this am to pay Home Depot bill so we decided to tour the Utz factory. Their potatoes chips are the best! Founded in...

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