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  • swest1363

Florida 3-4-2024

Started the day at Sombrero Beach. More like what we are used to. Good to get my toes in the sand and surf! Next to Crane Point Hammock, preserved estate with a museum and lots to see. Calusa were first people on the keys. They were driven out by Spanish explorers in the 1500's. 1600-1700 many pirates frequented the keys-Black Beard, Black Caesar. In 1733 a Spanish fleet of 21 ran around on the reefs-carrying gold, silver, indigo, sugar and spices. Cargo was pirated and all hands lost. In 1822 the navy established the West Indies Anti Piracy Squadron in Key West. End of pirates. 60 kinds of coral in the reef. We learned how they are built. 1904 a railroad was extended onto the keys. Destroyed by a hurricane 1935. We learned to identify the different trees. Pictured is a banyan. Bald eagle was the only bird to see today. Dinner and good byes with the Elks. Move tomorrow.

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