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Tales of a Traveler

Will your next trip be close to home or across the globe? How will you document your journey? Who will you go with, and where will you stay? My mission is to help you make all of these decisions and many, many more. Let’s start planning!

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N.C. 5-13-2023

Busy day today. We had to move sites but got it done first am. I almost got an atta girl. Lol. Our buddies came in today and we've met...

N.C 5-12-2023

Busy day today. Coffee social at the lodge. Card games with fellow campers. Hibachi dinner from the food truck here and a drive in movie...

N.C. 5-11-2023

Another quiet day. Laundry the a long walk with Mickey. Naps and dinner. Sat outside for a little tonight. Mid 90's today. Peaceful!

N.C. 5-10-2023

Quiet day off. Groceries, naps,ancestry,cards. Easy day. Sunny and warm. 100 degrees so a/c is humming. Cooled off in the evening.

W.V./Va./N.C. 5-9-2023

Found another 4 leaf clover last night. Had a nice dinner with Kim and Dave Wolf. Early start this am. Out of West Virginia and thru...

Ohio/West Virginia 5-8-2023

Started out at 8:30 for Fayetteville West Virginia. Beautiful sunny day and beautiful scenery. Had to climb some mountains. OMG! Driving...

Ohio 5-7-2023

Busy day today. Started with an art show at the high school. Collins had a piece displayed. She's so talented. Then to Collins soccer...

Ohio 5-5-2023

Spent the day doing all the fun chores- groceries, laundry etc. Found a fun diner for an excellent lunch. Sunny and beautiful! Went to...

Ohio 5-4-2023

Happy Birthday Tracy!!! Worked all day with Ryan and friends but got the project done. Beautiful sunny day and huge full moon last night....

Ohio 5-3-2023

Spent the day helping Ryan with a project. Sorry no pics! Quiet evening resting and dawg time.

Ohio 5-2-2023

Traveled today to Delaware State Park near Columbus to visit Ryan and family. Started as a beautiful sunny day but started to rain...

Kentucky 5-1-2023

Traveled today to Louisville Kentucky Elks. Just for the nite. Beautiful day for travel and beautiful scenery. Got settled in and went to...

Tennessee 4-30-2023

Did some sight seeing today with Edine and Jon Paul. Drove a bit on the Natchez Trace. This was the original trail connecting Washington...

Tennessee 4-29-2023

Had a great day learning about native Americans and relics and tools. Even had a flint knapper so that was too cool. Really learned a...

Tennessee 4-28-2023

Spent the day with my sister Edine and her hubby Jon Paul and my niece Jenny. Touring the Farm and setting up for the Native American...

Tennessee 4-27-2023

Traveled to Summertown and The Farm to visit my sister and family for a few days Rained all the way here. Had an odd occurrence on the...

Tennessee 4-26-2023

Rainy morning so just lazed around. Went to visit a Yak farm this afternoon. They are so cute and friendly and docile. She has 80 total...

Tennessee 4-25-2023

Took a scenic drive thru a state park and around the area. Not much happening in Crossville. Did stop to pet some local livestock. Lol....

Tennessee 4-24-2023

Visited a local military museum and then a waterfall. Really interesting. Found stuff about B-29's and the islands Dad flew off of....

Tennessee 4-23-2023

Spent the am driving deeper into Tenn. We are at Crossville now for 4 nights. Got in around 2 then cleaning and laundry. Easy day. Sorry...

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