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Tales of a Traveler

Will your next trip be close to home or across the globe? How will you document your journey? Who will you go with, and where will you stay? My mission is to help you make all of these decisions and many, many more. Let’s start planning!

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Ohio 6-18-2023

Traveled today to our resort, Wally world, in Loudinville Ohio. Pretty scenery all the way. Lots of farms and quaint little towns. Lunch...

W.V. 6-17-2023

Traveled today to Mannington West Virginia Elks. This is such a beautiful state but the mountains are killing me! I was white knuckled...

Burleigh Manor 6-14,15,16

David, Josie, Sue and Greg left Wednesday. We're helping clean up, straighten up and eat up left overs. Lol. Steve doing some handyman...

Burleigh Manor 6-13-2023

Another great day. Tracy and Mil es left last night, Edine, Jon Paul, Lorelei and Jenny left today. The group went to the local park for...

Burleigh Manor 6-12-2023

Another great day. Got a little much needed rain. Lots of family time. Ended the evening with Tripoli. A family tradition.

Burleigh Manor 6-11-2023

Another great day! Worked on ancestry together. We all discovered things we never knew. Such fun! More pool time and games. Fed all the...

Burleigh Manor 6-9,6-10-2023

Drove to Burleigh Manor 6-9. It was only a couple hours. My sister was right behind us and Alicia, McKenzie, Jennie were already there....

Gettysburg 6-8-2023

Saw Debbie and Ben off this am. Wonderful 5 days. Love you guys! Took it easy today. Basic maintenance stuff. We move tomorrow. Finally...

Gettysburg 6-7-2023

Best day ever! Started with Steve and Ben taking a battlefield tour on horseback. We haven't laughed so hard in a long time! Ben's horse...

Gettysburg 6-6-2023

Another great day. Little cooler and not quite so sunny. Started at Mr. Eds Elephant Museum and Candy Emporium. Really cool store and the...

Gettysburg 6-5-2023

Another great day. Beautiful sunny but not quite as hot. Still awfully dry though. Started at the Jenny Wade House. She was the only...

Gettysburg 6-4-2023

Great day today! Started at the Heritage Center-good overview of the battle and lots of info about civilians. Then all afternoon on the...

Gettysburg 6-3-2023

Hot and dry in Gettysburg. Our dear friends Debbie and Ben joined us today for battlefield fun! So happy t were able to make it. Checked...

Pa. 5-30-2023

Arrived in Gettysburg last nite around dinner. Too pooped to do more than hook up the RV! Got up today and finished setting up. Ran a few...

Virginia/Pa. 5-19-2023

Had to show you the inside of the restaurant last night- just charming. Found a 4 leaf clover at the camp ground. Traveled from Virginia...

Virginia 5-18-2023

Traveled today to Greenville Virginia for overnite. Beautiful scenery the whole way. Found a rather bedraggled 4 leaf clover at the...

N.V. 5-17-2023

Getting ready to get ready. Lol. Laundry, staples, other quick errands. Candy bingo at the lodge. Steve won! Yeah! Cleaned up leftovers...

NC. 5-16-2023

Took a long drive today on roads we have not been on. Most of this area seems to be middle class unless you go into Pinehurst or Southern...

N.C. 5-15-2023

Lazy day! It's hot and dry here so stayed in the a/c. Took some nice long walks. Steve and Mickey encountered a Husky running loose in...

N.C 5-14-2023

Happy Mothers Day!!! Slept in this morning. Unusual for me. Heard from All my kids so thank you guys for that. It means so much. We miss...

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