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Tales of a Traveler

Will your next trip be close to home or across the globe? How will you document your journey? Who will you go with, and where will you stay? My mission is to help you make all of these decisions and many, many more. Let’s start planning!

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Minnesota 7-8-2023

Another gorgeous day! Hubby feeling pretty good! We ventured in to Hinckley today. Had lunch at a cute little cafe then visited the...

Minnesota 7-7-2023

Steve is much much improved today. So relieved. We ventured out to a local carnival and he played skew ball. He's pretty damn good!...

Minnesota 7-6-2023

Steve is improving! Still slept most of today but we are keeping ahead of the pain and it is tolerable. Still cleaning but I did go to...

Minnesota 7-5-2023

Steve to a dentist at noon. The tooth is indeed abscessed. Poor guy is in so much pain. Got him started right away on antibiotics and...

Minnesota 7-4-2023

Happy 4th of July! Rained pretty hard this morning so we all slept in. Steve is suffering with we think a tooth ache. Of course nothing...

Minnesota 7-3-2023

Made our way to St. Croix- one of our resorts. Nothing new with scenery traveling. Had lunch at a little diner. Yeah. All set up and...

Minnesota 7-2-2023

Spent most of today at convention. Our lodge did us proud in ritual competition. Such fun spending time with our Elk family. Moving...

Minnesota 7-1-2023

Great day at convention. Did some shopping for Elks shirts then caught up with friends and watched ritual competition. Our team did...

Minnesota 6-30-2023

Drove to Savage Minnesota today. easy enough drive, scenery much the same as Iowa. Got checked in at camp and went up to Minneapolis. All...

Iowa 6-29-2023

Found this little gem of a campground 2 minutes from the rally grounds. Shady! And a river! Took the dawg for a walk over the suspension...

Iowa 6-28-2023

Hazy and hot today but windy. Took our tour of the Winnebago plant. Very interesting. The company employs 6000 people total. They have...

Iowa 6-27-2023

Drove across and up Iowa today to the Winnebago factory in Forest City. The scenery was pretty much the same but I am so impressed by the...

Iowa 6-26-2023

Did some sploring today. Visited Buffalo Bill Cody's homestead. Did not know he was a pony express rider and that his funeral was held at...

Iowa 6-25-2023

Got some much needed rain last nite. Drove across Illinois today to Davenport Iowa. Gotta say, Illinois is a pretty cool state. Very flat...

Illinois 6-24-2023

Another lazy day. It is too hot to even be out and about so we stayed in the ac. So very dry here. I really feel for the farmers. Steve...

Illinois 6-23-2023

Putzed around today. Things I wanted to see were closed. Not a whole lot happening in this area. Found a 4 leaf clover. Visited the lodge...

Illinois 6-22-2023

Found a 4 leaf clover last nite! Drove across Indiana today to Champaign-Urbana Illinois Elks. Interstates all the way so not much...

Indiana 6-21-2023

Traveled across Ohio today and just into Indiana. Pretty drive on the interstate. Winnie got 8 1/2 miles per gallon this tank. Little...

Ohio 6-20-2023

Getting ready to get ready. Lol. Groceries, laundry, cleaning, washed some of the RV, cleaned and lubed slides, conditioned seals. Lunch...

Ohio 6-19-2023

We all slept like logs last night! Soooo peaceful and the sound of the river is so soothing. Feeling more energetic than we have in a...

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