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  • swest1363

Virginia 4-18-2023

Visited Harper's Ferry today. We seem to be in a Civil War adventure!

Super cute little town built on a hillside. Lots of history.

George Washington ordered the armory be built here because it's close to D.C., has water as well as railroad nearby for transport. In 1803 Merryweather Lewis stopped here for supplies (rifles, tomahawks, tools, gun parts) before meeting up with Clark and heading into the western unknown

Oct. 1859-Slaves as well as freed African Americans worked in the armory. John Brown and 19 followers took over and armed the working men to defend themselves. He hoped to start a slave insurrection. The group was overpowered by a union force led by Col. Robert E. Lee. How cool. Brown was found guilty of treason and executed. Control of Harper's Ferry changed 8 times during the civil war. Most famous was the first takeover by Stonewall Jackson Seo 1862. Largest surrender by American troops until Bataan and Corregidor in WWII. 13,000 small arms, 200 wagons, 73 canon, 12,419 men. The cannonball is a 100 pounder and the cannon had a range of 4 miles. Lee was born in Virginia and although he had been offered a commission in the union army, when Virginia succeeded he went also. Lunch outside and a glass coffee mug- that never happens. Lol

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