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  • swest1363

Hampton Beach/Portsmouth

Back to the coast. Love love love it. Walked the beach, snacked on fried dough looking over the ocean. My happy place. Drove thru some pretty (and affluent) towns heading for Portsmouth. Toured Strawberry Banke museum. It's a historic village of restored homes/stores/shops. Super interesting. Beautiful gardens. Gas is $3.79. Jeep has been kind- 20+ mpg. RV not so much- 7 to 8. Not moving that RV very far. Lol

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Sep 03, 2022

Great pictures! Love the one of the beach! Looks so beautiful & relaxing! Could watch the ocean for hours!! George, Sharon, Kevin , Chuck & I rode the train from the new Wawa station into 30th St station in Philadelphia this morning & back to Wawa . We all enjoyed it. A little bittersweet tho. Wished Dad would have been able to take one last ride with us.( I know he was with us in spirit!) Safe travels!❤️

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