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  • swest1363

Ohio 9-16-2023

Today we attended the Mohican Pow Wow held just a couple miles from camp. Beautiful sunny day! Checked out some of the vendors then went to listen to the story teller(gentlemen pictured). Super interesting. He told us about Crazy Horse from birth thru the Battle of The Little Big Horn. Learned some stuff about Custer I never knew and about massacres before that battle. Did not know that the Black Hills are sacred to Native Americans- and that white settlers invaded the area and the government did not honor the treaty

protecting those lands. Typical of how Native Americans were treated. Shameful.

Back at camp watching activity on the river.

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Sep 17, 2023

That must have been really interesting coming straight from the horses mouth so to speak! Glad you are seeing so much history on your travels :) Live & hugs, your sister

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