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  • swest1363

Ohio 9-3-2023

Back in to Toledo today for more Great Lakes History. We both learned a lot. The first white men into the region were French fur traders. That trade flourished for 250 years. John Astor became the first multi millionaire thruThe American Fur Company. Beaver was trapped almost to extinction. As demand declined the region turned to agriculture, fishing and logging. More people came in and cities grew. Original growth forests stretched from Nova Scotia to the lakes so timber was plentiful to supply homes and ships. Investors in the transportation on the lakes included Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Carnegie. By 1885, 700 lumber hookers towed multiple barges piled high with pine and hardwood logs. All other industry was eclipsed by the steel industry in the 1880's. Detroit, Chicago and Cleveland became steel cities using Great Lakes iron ore. Iron ore ran out in 1950's so industry turned to taconite, made into pellets, easier to ship. The Edmund Fitzgerald was carrying taconite. Carnegie dominated steel making and formed a steamship fleet bigger than the US Navy to supply his mills. Rockefeller also built ships to supply his Standard Oil company. Interesting to learn how these wealthy families got their start.

Each tick mark on the lakes represents 10 shipwrecks. Amazing.

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