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  • swest1363

N.C. 3-8-2023

A trip down memory lane!

Today we visited the ruins of Great Falls Mill. Built in 1834 it processed cotton until 1865 when Union troops burned it down. Rebuilt in 1869 it operated until the great depression. Burned again in 1972. Hootie and the Blowfish filmed their video "Old Man and Me" at the site in the 1990's.

Next we visited Hamlet which was like stepping back in time. Quaint little town. Cars parked on diagonal on Main Street and no meters! (Mayberry lol). It was a thriving railroad station. The WWII uniform reminded me of my Dad. We have pics of him in uniform. All the old telephones and parts and trains and tools reminded Steve of his Dad who grew up at the Wawa train Station. Steve's grandmother was the postmaster. We were able to walk thru the engine and caboose. Neat! Found this little hole in the wall restaurant. Charming. Different.

Dinner over the fire. Yum!

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1 Kommentar

09. März 2023

Very cool! Looks interesting!

Will definitely check it out if I get down that way sometime!

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