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  • swest1363

Gettysburg 6-5-2023

Another great day. Beautiful sunny but not quite as hot. Still awfully dry though. Started at the Jenny Wade House. She was the only civilian killed during the battle. Interesting but not super impressive. Did a little shopping in town and had lunch (outdoors) at the Blue and Gray Grille. Delicious! Then on to The Shriver House. Super impressed. The family left the house for safety so confederate sharpshooters used the attic. 2 were actually killed in the attic. The soldiers trashed the house so when the family returned it was quite a shock. Back to home base for naps and dawg time. Lol. Snacks for dinner then went to see the beaver. We were not disappointed. Ice cream at Lulu's then walking on Steinwehr Ave. Ran into a lady who told us of a couple more places to see. Super fun! The guys were waiting for us!

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