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  • swest1363

Virginia 5-20-2024

Visited colonial Williamsburg today. Such fun! The governors mansion was first. The foyer had 500+ weapons on the walls and when the British governor fled in the middle of the night, all those weapons and the magazine went with him. 92 slaves ran the house and farm. George Washington used the palace as a field hospital during the revolution and Patrick Henry lived here as provisional governor after the war. We also saw the milliner, silversmith, musket demo, and trials in the court. Found a diner for lunch!

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Gettysburg 5-29 thru 6-2-2024

Had a fun stay but never again will we do a holiday weekend here! We were packed in like sardines and had a noisy neighbor. Ah, the camping life! Met up with the Wolfe's for breakfast in Hanover-good

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