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  • swest1363

Virginia 11-11-2023

Started the day grocery shopping then washing the jeep then back to the visitors center to learn about Wilderness and Spotsylvania battles. After Gettysburg Lee retreated to Virginia. Ulysses S. Grant enters the scene. Although Meade commanded the Army of the Potomac Grant overshadowed him as his commander and Grant wanted to "hammer continuously at Lee until there was nothing left of him." The Wilderness Battle was fought just outside of Fredericksburg on 70 square miles of 2nd growth forest and shrubs. Hard for the men to get through and even see each other. The battle ended in a stalemate but Longstreet (rebel) was critically wounded and out of command for weeks. Grant headed to Spotsylvania. Lee arrived first and built a bulging line-Mule Shoe Salient. Grant broke thru the tip and for 22 hrs soldiers fought hand to hand. Grant eventually abandoned the field. Lee won but at a heavy toll. Over 15000 union so

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