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  • swest1363

Virginia 11-08-2023

Super full day today. Started with a tour of the grounds at Montpelier. Beautiful estate of President James Madison. Horse flat track and steeplechase track- we saw some horses headed that way so we followed. Met a gentleman, the Trainor, shared alot of horsey stuff. His brother lives in Haverford and he has been to places in PA. Found out he works for a horseman I remember watching ride open jumpers at Devon when I was a kid. How totally amazing! This would be why I always talk to strangers. Lol.

On to a tour of Monticello-President Thomas Jeffersons 5000 acre estate. 11000 square foot, 40 years to build, 600 slaves. He was an astronomer, botanist, architect, meteorologist, collector. Could read and write 7 languages. Had 6 kids with his wife and 6 kids with his slave Sally Hemings. He died in enormous debt.

Quite a day!

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