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  • swest1363

Pa. 4-2-2023

Left today for Gettysburg where we will be til mid April. Thank you West Chester for a short but memorable visit. Sooo good to see everyone we saw. Love you all! Thank you Mary Jane for the hospitality.

Chester County is still the prettiest park of the country we have seen. I loved Maine but think the winters are too harsh.

We have taken to giving Mickey a little Benadryl before we move and then wrapping him in blankey. He is much calmer. Lol.

Such a pretty drive on 30. Trees in bloom everywhere! Lunch at Hoss's so no dinner. Lol.

Saw some people touring on horseback. Cool.

Here at 3:30. All set up and relaxing!

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Apr 03, 2023

Good to see you at Longhorn! I love Hoss's .......wish we still had one. Keep us posted on Gettsburg. Enjoy!

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