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  • swest1363

N.C. 3-1-2023

Last nites sun set- quite the site.

Today we visited Pea Island Wildlife Preserve. Saw the nesting bald eagle, tundra swans and lots of ducks. Crossed the street and over the dunes for more ocean walking. I got caught in knee high surf. Lol. Looking too hard at shells. Can't resist. Then we went to Nags Head Woods. It is one of the largest remaining maritime forests on the east coast. So very quiet, almost spooky. Water is covered by duckweed and marsh pennywort which feed the aquatic/amphibian life. Also saw a dump spot for oyster shells (they recycle them)

Who knew! Passed a guy on a front end loader- we are sure he polices the highway and clears drifting sand. The dune walls are right up to the highway. Found my 4 leaf clover !

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