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  • swest1363

N.C. 2-23-2023

History Day! We visited the Duke Homestead and tobacco museum. After the civil war Washington Duke grew and manufactured pipe tobacco. Moved the company to Durham where Dukes' company became largest tobacco company in the world and Durham the seat of an empire "Bull Durham". Later descendents invested in hydro electric power- the property we stumbled onto in the Great Smokies. Amazing! The Dukes also supported Trinity College (now Duke). Such a history lesson. Apparently though the last Duke (Doris) had no children and left the fortune to charity.

We also visited Stagville which from 1776-1805 spread across 30,000 acres. In 1865 over 900 people were enslaved on the plantation. The slave quarters were built in 1851 and each house held 4 families. Interesting stuff! Ended the evening with Elks. Lol

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