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  • swest1363

Minnesota 7-8-2023

Another gorgeous day! Hubby feeling pretty good! We ventured in to Hinckley today. Had lunch at a cute little cafe then visited the Hinckley Fire Museum. In 1837 a treaty was signed with Ojibway for timber rights in this area. Logging industry began in Ernest in 1868. Kinckley was originally a trading post and supply center for lumber industry. By 1889 many railways connected Hinckley to St.Paul, Wyoming, Duluth, St. Cloud. In 1894 the Brennan Lumber Mill was established. After 2 years of drought conditions a fire storm started nearby and completely destroyed Hinckley and several neighboring towns. Over 500 people lost their lives. The townspeople rebuilt but Hinckley never regained what it had lost. Only 1 rail track remains. Regulations within the logging industry saw many revisions due to what had happened here.

We are amazed by the beautiful skies here! Found another 4 leaf clover.

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2 commentaires

09 juil. 2023

Great pictures!


08 juil. 2023

Very interesting stuff!! Glad the boss is feeling better - nothing worse than a toothache. Saw that new 4-leaf clover 🍀 😍

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