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  • swest1363

Virginia 11-12-2023

Visited the Slaughter Pen Farm first am. This battle was before Chancellorsville in Nov. 1862. Burnside (union) led 115,000 men south toward Richmond but Lee blocked him with 78,000 men. On 12-13 Burnside attacked across these fields but was driven back. He retreated leaving 13,000 dead. Lee lost 5,000.

Then on to the Fredericksburg Country Club which is a former plantation house.

Last stop at the National Museum of the Marines at Quantico. Did not know they began as mariners and the first amphibious assault was at Penonscot Bay in Maine during the revolutionary war. "By sea and by land". War of 1812-marines increased combat proficiency by firing lethally from the riggings and hopping from ship to ship. Civil war divided the corps. At least 620,000 Americans died, 198 were Marines. In 1903 Marines were sent to Panama to support their revolution against Columbia and support Roosevelt s dream of a canal. In 1914 the American built Panama Canal opened. Chemical warfare in WWI killed more than 2000 Marines. Marines won hard fought victories at Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Iwo Jima and Okinawa during WWII. 86,940 marine casualties in WWII, 82 medals of honor. Semper Fi

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