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  • swest1363

N.C. 5-9,10,11,12

We had a crazy thunderstorm last night and a lightning strike maybe 50 yards from our RV. Scared the crap out of us. We didn't realize til somebody else told us about the tree nearby-that was the strike! Pretty amazing to look at the damage. Friday was a muffin and coffee meet and greet which was fun. The Friday night movie was cancelled because of a rain threat. We ended the evening around a fire with new friends and old. Saturday started with a pancake breakfast then a craft then the wine tasting and a band. What a fun day. Steve and I drove out into the country hoping to watch the Northern Lights but had no luck.

Happy Mother's Day! Played Bacchi with our buddies and lunch at Blake's.

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May 13

Happy Mother’s Day!!

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