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  • swest1363

Michigan 8-30-2023

Beautiful day sunny in the 60's. Traveled to Ann Arbor today to the University of Michigan Natural History Museum. Such a cool vibe being amongst all those college students and the hustle and bustle. The museum is actually a research and teaching facility as well so each area had a lab set up that you could observe students researching. Very cool. Llightning striking the ground can fuse minerals below and turn them to glass. Who knew! Beryl was one of the first minerals to crystalize on earth. It is a gemstone and can be found in many different forms including emeralds and aquamarine. The pink rhodochrosite is formed by oxygen+manganese+carbon combine

in hot underground water. When cooled crystals form. There was a whole section on fossils and a whole area on biodiversity and extinction of species. The message in the blue circle kinda sums it up. We had to visit the stadium just for a look see.

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