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  • swest1363

Michigan 8-25-2023

We were greeted by dear this morning! Found a 4 leaf clover at the Elks before heading to Heartland Woods closer to Detroit. Pulled in to devastation. Apparently a tornado went thru part of the camp last nite leaving uprooted trees and downed limbs everywhere. Only 1 RV destroyed and no people hurt so that was lucky. No power or water so we truly boondocked last nite. Crazy thing- originally we were supposed to be here last night but pushed all reservations back to enjoy the UP a little more. By the Grace of God!

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Aug 28, 2023

Wow, that's good fortune fir you guys - I am so relieved to hear b/c we saw the tornado piece on the news & wondered where u are!!

Stay safe out there!

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